HOME ABOUT MINISTRIES OUTREACH GALLERY WATCH LIVE CONTACT Lenten Bible Study AICC  has this conducted this unique Lenten Bible Study program during the Lenten season. This Bible study has been  conducted for several years now. Lent as we all know,  is a solemn observance for Christians all over the world usually with services on every Friday during this period. Our Lord  fasted for forty days and as followers, and we are called upon to abstain from various indulgences  and concentrate on penitence, self examination and an inward cleansing through prayer and bible study. Every year a different topic is chosen from the Word of God. These series of Bible Studies helps to achieve this goal. Our church members open their houses for these meetings which take place every Saturday during the Lenten season and  it has proved to be a huge success numerically and spiritually. At the end of these meetings our Pastor Rev. Christopher Solomon comes with study guides and also with some thought provoking, soul searching, and fascinating  questions which usually creates a marketplace of discussions thoroughly enjoyable and spiritually fruitful.  There is no Easter without a Good Friday, and crucifixion and resurrection are the very foundations of our Christian faith and we as  the members of AICC are grateful to God and thankful to our Pastors  who comes with clarity of mind about the scriptures. Join us for our next session and be blessed.  Interested to know more about our Lenten Bible Studies? - Contact:
© 2014 Asian Indian Christian Church.
Asian Indian Christian Church | 172 Springfield Avenue | Berkeley Heights | New Jersey - 07922
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2014 | Lenten Biblical Study - I 8th March 2014
2014 | Lenten Biblical Study - II 15th March 2014
2014 | Lenten Biblical Study - III 22nd March 2014